Welcome to where we stand out from the rest
The Sit Down Stand Out Show
July 4, 2023

Simply Be Yourself

Simply Be Yourself

Hi everyone Rolling Dragon here just thought I might leave a discussion on some very important topics. Firstly disability pride month, I honestly didn't know that we had a disability pride until recently and at first I got it mixed up with pride month in June but, after doing some research I found out that disability pride month is about being proud of our disability. Now to someone who doesn't have a disability they might find it hard to understand why we would be proud of being born with something that makes our lives difficult.This is a fair point because none of us asked to be born this way and no matter how good our lives are we all have days where we wish our lives could be different. I sometimes wish I was able bodied so I could have that romantic arm in arm dance with a lovely lady like you see in Disney movies or, I think about what kind of pro wrestler I'd be if I could walk but, I don't let those thoughts consume me because our disabilities are going nowhere.

How you choose or, if you choose to celebrate Disability Pride month is entirely up to you but, if I may offer up a suggestion? Simply be yourself. By being yourself doing, what you love, pursuing your dreams, or simply watching something you love on tv you are showcasing your disability pride by not letting the challenges of your disability or life in general drag you down.

While there is still a long way to go in terms of educating people on the seemingly endless number of disability and the challenges that come with them and don't even get me started on the amount of effort that needs to be made to make more locations accessible or I'll be typing all day. The important thing is to always be yourself as hard as it may feel sometimes because there is only one of you in all of time and space so shine bright and stand out from the rest.


July Episode Lineup focusing on content creators and entrepreneurs with disabilities

Episode 42 These Sicks were Made For Walking with Lyndsay Watterson Aires July 5th

A woman with orange hair in a big purple dress sits in her chair holding her pink walking stick

 Episode 43 No Assumptions Necessary with Shaquena Horace Airs July 12th

Comedian Shaquena Horace


Episode 44 Big Things in Small packages with Adrian Baker Airs July 19th

 Episode 45 A Not So Typical Episode with Kate Rowan Aires July 26th

A blond woman in a brown button shirt looks seriously at the cameraThanks for checking our our July Episode lineup be sure to like, review and subscribe to the Sit Down Stand Out Show podcast wherever you listen until next time Keep Calm and Roll On.